Captain Buck gets tired of dealing with fire alarm operators. Either they can't speak english or they don't take the job serious. Well, there is a third group and they do it well but they only work when I'm not working. The bastards.
Choqania Clamydia, our lead dispatcher, gives us "pacific locations". How can you not say specific. One of my neighbors is from Mexico and he say's it well. Hell he can also pronounce most words better than Choqania.
"Respatcha to engines 61 and latter fo fo."
What? Ladder fo fo doesn't exist. And since when is one engine plural?
"My bad - Respatcha to engines 61, 59, 7tree, and latters fo fo, fo 8, baddalions 6,8, 28
"Responn to 1810 Defrockviynil Avenue fo a fire-a on the secon flo. Smoke comin from an addict."
If the addict is burning we are going to need the medics!
"Caller had state the smoke is heavy. Please avise respatcha when contact is made. Copy?"