We got back from a high rise call about 30 minutes ago. Now old Buck can run up some steps because I'm a stud and even at my age getting up to the 30th floor is a breeze. But brother, when you get up there and an engine company is standing in the lobby, you get pissed.
SOG states not to use the elevator in this particular case. So I set about to gnawing on some ass and this young boy, possibly from Poland, looks at me and says, "Chill out man." My hand reached across space and time and snatched his coat pulling him close to me, like those two gay lion tamers who no longer tame.
I looked into his eyes and he was scared. Not Nightmare on Elm Street scared but "Holy shit, I just breathed my last breath" scared. I let his coat go and recommenced to eating the ass out of his hog company officer.
Now lest you think I am insensitive when we got back down to the street I went over to the boy and grabbed him in a headlock. Twisting his head I laughed and told him no hard feelings. He smiled as his face turned blue.
I love communication.