Holy shit have we got a live one assigned to one of our ladders. When they wrote the book on stupid they referenced him and threw away the program.
My buddy is the officer over there and he was telling me that last week he asked dumb ass to tell him how many feet of ground ladders the rig carried. The boy replied 1000 feet. My buddy, not exactly the verbose type, said, "Are you fucking nuts?" Well, it turns out the department ladder guru, Captain "Facade", sent out an email stating just that so the new kid was only repeating what he read.
See, to me, that's the problem now. We are hiring sticks for all the wrong reasons. It used to be you had to be able to do the job and do math. Now, these new guys are walking in and can't figure out shit unless it's done on the Wii.
Well, Wii got problems.