Remember when midgets were cool? Yeah, me neither. Anyway one of our chief orifices is a midget but he has a severe Napoleon complex. Now Buck don't give a damn if the boy has a complex or not but this chief is a turd.
Part of the problem is when he is trying to chew ass his head comes up to where "Moby Dick" likes to rest between laying line if you know what I mean. Anyway this little chief isn't a wimpy little thing but if he ever touched old Buck I'd wrap his colon around his genitals and use him as a curling bar.
Now the little boy chief is kind of big as far as his muscles go but the boy is pure, 100% certified angus full of shit. He's got more fire stories than a room full of volunteers and everybody knows them boys tell some bullshit stories.
Anyway until his spot comes open on "Little People, Big World" I guess us men will have to put up with this boy. Again, I don't have nothing against midgets as long as they don't try to work as firefighters. Or if they do slip by (that cracks me up) then they should at least have the courtesy not to be dicks.